Graveyard Shift


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Graveyard Shift

I once again find myself siting at my computer, working a Graveyard Shift waiting for customers to come in.

I don’t understand why people think that Tech Support is easy.  it’s actually really hard to staff an entire team with people who have the same level of IT knowledge and specifically have a certain level of in depth knowledge about a select few products but are still willing to put up with a various shifts including Graveyard Shifts like I am currently.

And not only do we have to be able to handle any technical issue a customer can throw at us, but we are also expected to help out the customer as much as possible but not exceed the limits of what the company wants us to provide.  This is no were near a fine line, but in fact it’s a very grey and murky region that covers most of what a customer wants and the little bit the company tells us to provide.

Still we do it, but don’t dare to tell anyone because they will either ask us to help them fix their own private computer issues, or they will start to ask us why Tech Support people treat them so badly.

Spam Filtering


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Spam Filtering

I’ve started to look through the few sites I’ve put up recently and am now in charge of and one common thing I’m noticing is how much spam you have to deal with just to put up the most innocent of web sites.

Oh sure, I chose WordPress for my method of handling the content and to help me SEO I’ve installed various tools and plug-ins that help me to catch little mistakes and all around make it easier to manageable.

Now that these sites have been up I’ve decided to leave them alone for an entire week just to see what would happen and of source when I return there is just so much Spam that I now have to go through and clear.  Of source not all of it may be spam so I have to sit and read through so much garbage.  I cannot for the life of me understand how the Internet got to this point where Spam is more common then real content.  I thought that the entire premise of the Internet was to share information, not to make every college student some pocket money.

Omen by The Prodigy


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Omen by The Prodigy

I was watching some movies a few days ago with my wonderful wife and my brother-in-law and we decided on watching Kick-Ass since I was the only one of us who had seen it already.

Ever since then I have not been able to get the music from the fight scene out of my head.  I like it, the melody is catch, the beat keeps you moving, and it’s got good energy.  Now if I could just get it out of my head.

For anyone who doesn’t know, the song is called Omen by The Prodigy.

YouTube link:

Working hard on again


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Working Hard

I has been a few days since I’ve posted about anything, due to being busy with so many things and side projects.  It’s kind of crazy how many side projects I have waiting for me to start and how many I have waiting for me to finish.  It’s long ago gotten to the point where I had to create lists just to keep track of them so when I finally have some free time I can start to attack them by the oldest ones.

Funny thing is that no matter how much I get done there always just seems to be so much more to do.

I also noticed that on the rare days I get a real break, I find myself itching to get back to work and keep working through the To Do pile.  I wonder if I’m going to end up a work-a-holic.

Well back to working on my current project,

Feel free to have a look there if anyone needs any Windows or Doors in and around the GTA.

Toronto festivals


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This weekend I already know about two different festivals happening.

I heard about Taste of The Danforth. A selebration of Greek living in Toronto where everyone can come out to see examples of the Greek way of life. Especially the food.  This is where I’ll be heading today with my wife and brother-in-law.

Taste of The Danforth

The other one I heard about is the Markham Jaszzfest. This promises to be lots of fun, good food, more good mysic , and a good time all around. A friend of mine will be going there today.

Markham Jazz Festival

Working hard again


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Once again I find myself working on one of the Web Sites that I’ve put up.  There is always something that I did not notice before and needs to get done.

Here is a list of the sites in case anyone wants to check out any.

My Personal blog site:

My Business web site:

My dad’s Windows and Doors web site:

WordPress two-step authentication


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I have been looking for more ways to secure the sites and blogs I have been putting up and WordPress seems to offer something similar to what I had when j played WoW (World of Warcraft), namely an authenticator.

This ends up as an app on my android cell phone which calculated a unique 6 digit code every 30 seconds and syncs that code with WordPress’ data and yes it sends it encrypted.

So now when I want to login, not only do I need my username and password, but also this fast changing code off my smartphone plus it all happens on an encrypted login page.  What an age of hacking we live in that this is all needed.

Random Song


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Are you ever just sitting there, doing something you had planned on doing, and all of a sudden to started to sing a song, and not just a line but the entire song starts to appear in your head and you find you suddenly do not have any choice but to finish it and when you finally get through it, you realize how mediocre that random song actually was?

Well it just happened to me, and though I know the song really well, it does not mean that I wanted that kind of song or that it even matched my mood.

Weird (at least to me), random, and happens to me all the time.  Sometimes I cannot get the song out of my head for days !